Hi Everyone,
My name is, Tamra Evans, many of you know me as "Lady" in the Southern Gospel Music Chatroom.
Well first of all let me say I am a sold out born again Christain! I was saved at the age of 6, Praise the Lord for that, he's my best freind!
I am 18 years old and i come from a family of 6. A mom and dad "of course" LOL and I have 3 younger sisters, we are usually known as the "T girls" cause we all start with T's!! LOL Anyway, I have started college this fall and so far I love it!
I absolutely LOOOOOOOOVVVEEEE Southern Gospel Music, to me its the best music this side of Heaven. I do sing just not in a group right now, the Lord will provide that in his own time but, right now i sing locally and doing a solo ministry and the Lord is blessing me in it!:) I do hope and pray that someday I will be able to sing in a group!
I also love going into the Southern Gospel Chat room, I have met many several people from in there and have made many many special freinds! Thanks yall for being awsome freinds!!:)
Let me say that I am always here for each of you and anyone who needs prayer or just to talk you can always email me at Tamra_e@hotmail.com I will be glad to talk or pray with you!
